“Rewire the brain with Pilates exercise for Optimal Running” is the title of an article that I wrote in the Nashua Gate City Strider’s recent newsletter, Striding Along. Read the article found on page 11:
Rewire the brain with Pilates Exercise for Optimal Running

The core muscles are your force coupler to your legs & arms. Think of your core as the rubberband on a toy propeller plane. Your core coils & uncoils as you run. When correct muscle firing patterns occur this coiling & uncoiling provides uplift to counter the impact of each foot fall. Maintaining a neutral lean on various terrain & at various speeds requires a strong core & excellent sense of where you are in space. Pilates training will give you the strong core & muscle memory of where neutral is regardless of where you are in space. A fully equipped Pilates Studio allows the student to practice finding neutral – standing, seated, prone, supine, side lying, upside down in handstand, even doing pull-ups on the trapeze table which looks like an upside down push-up. A neutral posture is the strongest posture. It is where the ears line up over the shoulders, the rib cage lines up over a neutral pelvis. An ideal neutral pelvis is where the hip bones are in the same plane as the pubic bone. A neutral/optimal posture allows the thrust of the push-off leg to propel the body forward. Suboptimal posture whether it is excessive anterior tilt (think Daffy Duck) or excessive posterior tilt (think Pink Panther) or sway back – where the upper back hinges behind the plumb line all interrupt the flow of energy from the thrust of the push-off leg as you run.
Consistent Pilates exercise – there are over 500 exercises, rewires the brain by integrating the mind & muscle into optimal firing patterns and ultimately into optimal muscle firing habits and postures. Awareness & repetition yield amazing results.
I am a new member to Gate City Striders but I have had a long affiliation with the club, running two legs in what must have been the 2nd Mill City Relays back in December 1985 as a combined relay team of Gate City Striders & Sander’s Snails. I promote the Gate City striders on the Nashua web page of my Pilates business – CoreFocused:
I currently have a few openings at my fully equipped Hollis-based Pilates studio on the famed Wheeler Road hills of the Applefest ½ Marathon for anyone who might be interested in adding the Pilates edge to their fitness foundation. Please contact me at jody@corefocused.com or 603-554-7522. I look forward to assisting you in your fitness journey. Happy Running! – Jody Secules