Anatomy Trains®

This month Jody Secules, owner of CoreFocused in Hollis, NH, enjoyed attending an Anatomy Trains® Myofascial Meridians workshop. The three-day workshop introduced Thomas Myers’ revolutionary, holistic view of anatomy. Moving from the Renaissance and still persisting today, anatomy books depict individual and opposing muscle groupsWe are so much more than the sum of these isolated parts. Anatomy Trains views the fascia that surrounds our muscles and connects our individual muscles as an integral part of the human form. Fascia that holds us together can be viewed as a tensegrity structure: forces are distributed throughout the body rather than isolated. For example the pain in your shoulder may actually originate from dysfunction in your opposite leg by way of one of the spiral lines of the body.

The Anatomy Trains workshop gave me new tools in postural analysis and Pilates programming. The workshop confirmed my belief that we are the product of our movement patterns which affects our fascia and form. Pilates is a multi-planar exercise discipline that addresses both sides of the body and multi angles of movement and force, countering our sometimes one-sided or planar movement in our day. The multi-dimensional movement of Pilates especially on Pilates apparatus wakes up dormant areas of the body, yielding a body that is more alive, alert and functional.

Contact CoreFocused to add alive, alert, functional vitality to your life — 603-554-7522 or